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female San Diego, CA, United States
JillAddison says
12 years ago
if you're confused about how to use Google Analytics, this report could help: ping.fm/jZBmN
JillAddison says
12 years ago
the #1 Thing That Every Successful Woman Entrepreneur Knows is....ping.fm/9JazU
JillAddison says
12 years ago
just completed a 1-Minute Video for a superstar Data Storage company: bit.ly/BridgeSTOR
JillAddison says
12 years ago
Rate yourself "Top 10 Things Every Successful Woman Entrepreneur Knows" How many of them do you know? ow.ly/8vNw4
JillAddison says
12 years ago
"Top 10 Things Every Successful Woman Entrepreneur Knows" - How many of them do you know? ow.ly/8vNrf
JillAddison says
12 years ago
just completed a 4-minute Video about a powerful Retreat for Women Entrepreneurs. Run with the big dogs here: bit.ly/Starfish11
JillAddison says
12 years ago
just passed 30,000 Video Views on my YouTube Channel ping.fm/nvQQ1
JillAddison says
12 years ago
Do you have what it takes? Find out here: "Top 10 Things Every Successful Woman Entrepreneur Knows" ow.ly/8vNef
JillAddison says
12 years ago
enjoyed creating this attention-getting 1-minute video for my client's homepage: ow.ly/8sHlx
JillAddison says
12 years ago
tune in NOW to learn how to use online video to grow your business in an internet radio interview w/me, Jill Addison ow.ly/8rfkF