14Friends 7Fans
male Hartford, CT, United States
16 years ago
Some amazing aerial photography of the aftermath of Hurricane Ike. [ping.fm/pzFuO]
16 years ago
What I have been working on all day! [ping.fm/xtOXu] My final project of Google Maps...
16 years ago
Listening to TWIT 164. I am so behind on my podcast listening!
16 years ago
What a down day for microblogging... Sorry everyone! So, something new and fun is in the works! Stay tuned!
16 years ago
Has anyone using Opera Mini 4.2 gotten the new landscape view on the blackberry pearl? I don't think it's possible! :-(
16 years ago
Just leaving work now... Gross! At least top chef is on tonight to cheer me up!
16 years ago
What a steal! Pedroia for six years! Great pick up by the red sox, he is going to be a dangerous second baseman!
16 years ago
Wow! That was A LOT of work installing Opera Mini 4.2! I can't believe it was that difficult!
16 years ago
I have to switch over to the other installation of Windows to run ArcGIS 9.3. It is making me not want to do my work!
16 years ago
Is it weird? I never got the option to switch to Google SearchWiki. Sounds like this is a plus, but I still think it's weird...