13Friends 3Fans
male Quezon City, Philippines
Accountant by education. Musician by ambition. Writer by hobby. Artist by dream.

To be updated.

Mga taong nakakakilala ng pangalan ko, i-add niyo naman ako as a friend. Haha.
JuddWillis has
14 years ago
realized something. Crap, a lot my friends do use plurk. Hahaha.
JuddWillis says
14 years ago 5
"fine i'll give plurk a chance."
JuddWillis is
15 years ago
amused by how debt sounds like death. o_O
JuddWillis is
15 years ago
not surprised that he has ZERO karma. Haha. Last login: 9 October 2008. :-P
JuddWillis is
16 years ago
of four minds
JuddWillis is
16 years ago
pissed at his high school grad picture, but is very happy for some other reason.
JuddWillis is
16 years ago 2
still seriously confused (O_o)
JuddWillis is
16 years ago
seriously confused (O_o)