1Friends 3Fans
male Indianapolis, IN, United States
My mother hung me on a hook once, Johnny... ONCE.
Get the fuck out... get the fuck out... get the fuck out mah house, bitch.
!TM Here's my monthly Plurk: I passed gas yesterday. It bent time.
!TM Plurk: Even more useless than Formspring.
Played Left 4 Dead 2 last night. I keep forgetting how much of party that thing is.
I know I keep publicly rubbing myself over Mario & Luigi: Inside Bowser's Story, but it needs to be said how killer the music is.
Finished watching the Night Stalker update last night. What a tragically enjoyable surprise this series turned out to be.
!TM Enjoying having a 360 again. AWYEAH demo binge!
Damn, Metroid: Other M is just getting trashed.
Too many failures in one day means that it's Scotch time.
Yeah, I don't cotton to that shit.