Kate, the Cat
10Friends 20Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
Kate, the Cat
8 years ago
噗噗噗 (p-cool)
Kate, the Cat says
15 years ago 4
邊看球賽還要邊種田....忙啊....... (woot)
Kate, the Cat says
15 years ago 5
沒有Nadal的溫布頓好奇怪啊........ :-&
Kate, the Cat says
15 years ago 27
真是充滿"挑戰"的男單決賽!!! (woot)
Kate, the Cat says
15 years ago 11
準備來看"至尊男子單打決賽"囉~~~ (woot)
Kate, the Cat says
15 years ago 7
外面超級悶熱的, (woot)!!!(證明我不是阿宅...嘿嘿!)
Kate, the Cat says
15 years ago 6
早安呀, 各位阿宅 (woot)
Kate, the Cat says
15 years ago 3
全身痠痛啊...睡覺去囉!晚安! (wave)