0Friends 1Fans
female Downieville, CA, United States
NαNα is
15 years ago
freaking in love !
NαNα says
15 years ago
NαNα says
15 years ago
she hates that bytch !\f/
NαNα is
15 years ago
begging for help ?
NαNα is
15 years ago
going off to sleep . Bye loves . <33
NαNα gives
15 years ago
money to her sickening sister .
NαNα gives
15 years ago
a hug to someone . ^^
NαNα asks
15 years ago
for her B !
NαNα loves
15 years ago
her new plurk background !
NαNα says
15 years ago
I hate my life now adays .