10Friends 14Fans
female Northern Mariana Islands
Hello my name is Keramiha Hocog , but just call me 'KERA or KE.' ;-) I love dragons . <3 I have only one best friend : Blessie Maratita . ^^ Know her ? Good , I'm a proud Filipina & Spaniard . Add me & become my fan ! MWAH :"*
13 years ago
For all I know , I found Alyx ma-ma-making out with cough,cough girlyfwiend . . . last night , ok W E I R D p:
13 years ago
Alyx likes to f-ck sh-t up , ba boooom O.(o)
13 years ago
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;
13 years ago
updeyt , updeyt lang . LMSunshine reply back @ my text , toinkssss ;D (LOL)
13 years ago
Alyx is making banana/strawberry smoothies , YUMMAAY !! :-D :-D
13 years ago
Party tonight @ LMSunshine's room! (LOL) (LOL) !! Can I come over ?????????!!?!?
13 years ago
So whatsup Plurk ? Haven't been on for a long time . (woot)
13 years ago
AaAaAaAaHh , late night phone callsz with MY B A B E . Alyx doesn't seem to mind , :-o LOL , baboom plurkers. :] Me out . Later agaiiin . :-)
13 years ago
A L Y X W A S H E R E. B E B Y S I S T E R Y O U A R E B O M B. J U S T T O L E T Y O U K N O W T H A T I L O V E Y O U. K A Y, (woot)
13 years ago
jhess checking with my plurk . so busaay now a days . anywaysz , hellaw to everyone! !!