17Friends 83Fans
male Sheffield, New Zealand (Aotearoa)
I'm an fish in a school , a sheep in a flock , a bee in a swarm , a star in a constellation ,a singer in a choir , an ant in an army , a cow in a herd , a musician in an orchestra , a paper in a pad , a lion in a pride , and a user in PLURK...
13 years ago 2
The heArt Knows what the mind drEams of....it shows love & aCceptAnce....tRust ur hEart(erase all the small letters 2 get my hidden message)
13 years ago 1
when i was sleeping last night,i was hugging my pillow & i was dreaming you,next time,i will be dreaming my pillow & i'll be hugging U!!!<3
13 years ago 1
whenever u see a pretty or handsome person...always make sure that ur facing the mirror....
13 years ago
it's pretty weird when you dream without sleeping.....
13 years ago
back to work.....
13 years ago
she's not on line......so there's no reason to stay online 2...DAMN!! c u later plurkers....
13 years ago
could this day be any worse........
13 years ago 2
DAMN!!!No cgnal....
13 years ago
just got shorts.....
13 years ago
bored....for nothing...