1Friends 12Fans
male Inverness, FL, United States
Nick Chance, aka the Kid Reviewer, maintains a blog at as a 'kids-eye-view' of movies, video games, books, toys, websites, music, and more. Kid Reviewer is a 14 yr old that has been writing and drawing for 4 years.

When he is n
KidReviewer is
15 years ago
checking out a backlog of Twitter followers
KidReviewer is
16 years ago
giving away a free Wii game -
KidReviewer is
16 years ago
Suppose I'm late to the party, but Stiller's 'viral video' is genious: Tropic Thunder Viral Video (HD)
KidReviewer is
16 years ago
saying hello to the Plurk world! :-)
KidReviewer is
16 years ago
registering with Plurk!