4Friends 1Fans
male Moreno Valley, CA, United States
10 years ago 20
[YellowLantern] [poem]
10 years ago 3
So I have a creepy poem to write now, using the basis of the Tick Tock Goes The Clock thing from Doctor Who.
10 years ago
I wonder, has anyone ever read a story where there was a Yellow Lantern that was actually a hero, despite the whole "Fear Gives Me Power" thing?
10 years ago 27
So I had an armor idea centered around three or four magitech robots.
10 years ago 12
Winter pls go
10 years ago 21
Yeah, I'm still sorta around, I'm just easily swept up by my work.
10 years ago 6
that feeling when you don't get any sleep for over 24 hours but still feel wide awake, immediately followed by that feel when you finally sleep, wake up, and feel like going into a coma again.
10 years ago 12
I am bad at plurking. Urgh. So how's y'all doin while I've let myself get all swept up with work?
10 years ago 51
[LeagueOfLegends] So does anyone else know why the hell people seem to write off dominion as a piece of crap? I actually find it fun, especially with a champ I know how to play.