19Friends 14Fans
male Seaside, CA, United States
KrnSidez says
12 years ago
WOW!! just got $484 you should get this ping.fm/aLyrM?Article=92...
KrnSidez says
12 years ago
great to see moms in my area are working from home ping.fm/MR7BP?Article=39... looks like im joining the party
KrnSidez says
13 years ago
interesting more than 20 million people in the u.s started working online in 2011 ping.fm/3ruCZ
KrnSidez says
13 years ago
interesting online jobs went up in 2011 by 30%s
KrnSidez says
13 years ago
wow I just got an iPad for free no bs.. hurry while it lasts - ping.fm/3sEbD
KrnSidez says
13 years ago
Yay i just got my $500 from ping.fm/JmYuC for selling some old jewlery :-D
KrnSidez says
13 years ago
I got a job =D ping.fm/067sR
15 years ago
Is not dead! I'm not going to tweet much from now on. School, then family, then sports, then Twitter. :-) now, time for my homework!
15 years ago
I'm sorry I'm not activally tweeting. I am gone from 6 to 8 daily. Soccer and school. Rest of the night is tv and hw. Sowwyyyyy!!
15 years ago
Yay!! I got gv mobile! yfrog.com/0u6lxj