9Friends 66Fans
male Americus, GA, United States
I'm a college student and aspiring writer.
I like music.
I'm a slave to technology.
Kyouto says
14 years ago
watching Blackula.
Kyouto says
14 years ago
almost moved in to the new place.
Kyouto shares
14 years ago
Kyouto says
14 years ago 3
just had some pho at a Chinese restaurant made by a Vietnamese woman.
Kyouto says
14 years ago
feels kinda gross.
Kyouto is
14 years ago
a fan of that massive party last night.
Kyouto says
14 years ago
that pothead was right, putting pretzels in dthe peanut butter ice cream sandwiches *was* delicious.
14 years ago 5
just finished the remake/reboot/whatever-it-is of Dawn of the Dead and feels pretty underwhelmed. But zombie babies are always cool.
Kyouto is
14 years ago
watching Dawn of the Dead... the original of course.
Kyouto says
14 years ago
Holy shit how did I get in this chair?