101Friends 39Fans
female Rochester, NY, United States
L_Buckets says
13 years ago
interesting online jobs went up in 2011 by 30%s
L_Buckets says
13 years ago
interesting online jobs went up in 2011 by 30%s
L_Buckets says
13 years ago
wow I just got an iPad for free no bs.. hurry while it lasts - ping.fm/Q16Ck
L_Buckets says
13 years ago
Yay i just got my $500 from ping.fm/Z22Mm for selling some old jewlery :-D
L_Buckets says
13 years ago
I got a job =D ping.fm/TaJXh
L_Buckets says
13 years ago
Quote of The Day: "If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree." - Jim Rohn
L_Buckets needs
14 years ago 3
help with her Karma - I'm at 0.00!! Guess this is what happens when you leave plurk for a few months
L_Buckets wishes
14 years ago
it were Saturday already so I would be driving to see my friends
14 years ago
Saw a fox running across the street with a creature in its mouth. Made my morning! :-D
L_Buckets says
14 years ago
it's been forever since I've been here... how is everyone doing?