101Friends 39Fans
female Rochester, NY, United States
L_Buckets says
15 years ago
ahhh! Karma down to 31 when I was at 70! I guess this is what happens when you forget plurk for a week or so....
L_Buckets says
15 years ago 1
class almost over
L_Buckets says
15 years ago
our class is using a graph example about global warming, and the prof made a joke about flood insurance - ugh
L_Buckets says
15 years ago 4
Still a week to enter the photo contest! send me your best stuff!
L_Buckets says
15 years ago
my eyes hurt
L_Buckets says
15 years ago
free lunch today!
L_Buckets wonders
15 years ago
why people are always late
L_Buckets is
15 years ago 1
very excited about volunteering with the cats again tonight :-)