335Friends 17Fans
female Philadelphia, PA, United States
My Second Life consists of socializing, flash mob dancing, shopping, and pining over pixel boys.
7 years ago 1
I think my male neighbor is the player type. He wants to have multiple side pieces. It's been an interesting week watching who shows up on his property.
7 years ago
So I'm back in SL a little more these days. I have a new home. My neighbor came over to introduce himself the other day. Now he's over in his house sexing some chick in the downstairs bedroom. Yes, I am camera panning. lolol
Laurenza says
7 years ago
I've been trying to get into The Epiphany event ALL. FUCKING. DAY.
Laurenza says
7 years ago
Been a whole month since Tyler has even bothered to try and talk to me. Really puts everything into perspective.