41Friends 33Fans
female Dundee, IL, United States
Technology Facilitator(K-8)- looking for, working with and evaluating tech tools to share with students and teachers. Greatly appreciate all the experience and expertise out there . . .
LearnMoore asks
15 years ago 2
. . .creating a kid summer tech camp at Nature Center w/wireless. Thinking GPS, proscopes, probes, cameras. . .12 hours - ideas?
LearnMoore shares
15 years ago 1
Powerful video: *Do You Believe in Me?* Will rejuvinate you this late in the year. Dalton Sherman
LearnMoore asks
15 years ago 5
Those at IL IETC in Nov - What is the web based program coolcatteacher used that allowed cells phones to text in?
LearnMoore says
15 years ago 4
Son is turning off all our lights now. ;-) Happy Earth Hour
LearnMoore loves
15 years ago 2
our first attempt at a Chick Cam Requires Active X and a refresh but kids (and big kids) are very excited.
LearnMoore shares
16 years ago
LearnMoore shares
16 years ago 14
Spending last week of summer break (and birthday) on jury duty. At least they have a wireless network.
LearnMoore asks
16 years ago 2
beil Did you mention at TechForum that you used Gaggle for student e-mail?
LearnMoore asks
16 years ago 5
your opinion. Best, favorite, most manageable tool for online SD. 27 schools, K-8.
LearnMoore is
16 years ago 10
in the house.