80Friends 34Fans
female Quezon City, Philippines
I love collecting quotes...
LovelyQ says
14 years ago
hello there! how was your day?
LovelyQ says
14 years ago
2 b happy w/ a man u must understand him a lot&love him a little.2b happy w/ a woman u must love her a lot & not try 2 understand her at all
LovelyQ says
14 years ago 1
Give her two red roses, each with a note. The first note says For the woman I love and the second, For my best friend. Happy Monday :-)
LovelyQ says
14 years ago
such a lovely sunday afternoon :-)
LovelyQ says
14 years ago
hi guys!
LovelyQ says
15 years ago 1
No matter who broke your heart, or how long it takes to heal... you'll never get through it without your friends
LovelyQ says
15 years ago 4
karma down :-(
LovelyQ says
15 years ago
We are not born in this world to see how important we can become, but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others.
LovelyQ says
15 years ago 2
No matter how plain and simple you are, there's someone who will surely look at you as if you're the most perfect creature ever existed.
LovelyQ says
15 years ago
hi hello