i am 7. 看起來在這不用顧慮太多,所以我要在這發幹話起肖,瘋到連我媽都認不出來- 大概連在別的地方認識我的人都會嚇到,but eh( 眾多歐美坑之間持續打滾的火山菌一枚,預計會在這毫不保留地發廚爆言✌️ 髒話常駐、長年泡在英文圈挖糧導致發文時會中英混砸,因為我想不起來這句話怎麼打 也懶得想了(草
I am a vessel of countless memories. some are good, some are sad, very sad, in fact. so sad that almost make this vessel not worthy enough to keep. want to break it, to get rid of it. maybe when it's split wide open and all the memories spilled out, I'll finally stop feeling bad. -->