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male Austin, TX, United States
The picture is of my brother, Michael Lee White, who became known as the American whose passport was discovered in Ossetia, Georgia. He is a teacher and author and I am getting the word out.
MLWTruth is
16 years ago
Coast to Coast is covering the medical problems that aspartame causes. This is 590 AM in Austin.
MLWTruth is
16 years ago
Still blogging, replying, and being interviewed about my brother. He is just a teacher and aspiring author.
MLWTruth is
16 years ago
Check out tomorrow's Wall Street Journal or Business Week online in Europe to see the truth about my brother, Michael Lee White.
MLWTruth is
16 years ago
I don't see enough people here to stay for now. Micheal Lee White, though, is a teacher and not a government thug.
MLWTruth is
16 years ago 1
Trying to get out the truth about Michael Lee White, my brother.