12Friends 4Fans
male Plymouth, NH, United States
MRUP10 is
14 years ago 2
Anyone have suggestions on document cameras? (I've tried the Elmo and the Hover-cam.)
MRUP10 is
14 years ago 7
What is everyone using to use Ipad/Phone/Touch with a projector? any suggestions I would like to use all the apps/homepage with a projector.
MRUP10 is
14 years ago
Oh and the Celtics have acquired shaquille o'neal bleacherreport.com/artic... plurk plurk plurk plurk plurk plurk......
MRUP10 is
14 years ago 15
Haven't done this in a while but its PLURKIN TIME!
MRUP10 is
15 years ago 1
PARTY PARTY PARTY! Having a lil get together at WBs in Manchester for my Birthday on Saturday! call 603-724-7068 for more info!
MRUP10 is
15 years ago 2
what Movie shall I get tonight??? any suggestions??? newer ones please going to the REDBOX lol
MRUP10 is
15 years ago 6
Morning all! Hope all is well with everyone! :-)
MRUP10 is
15 years ago 3
MICHEAL VICK... soo, mr vick is officially a free man. anyone think he will be a productive QB in the NFL again. if he is reinstated?
MRUP10 is
15 years ago 8
. if i have not added you to gtalk and you're on there please send me you username. thanks!
MRUP10 is
15 years ago 10