17Friends 4Fans
Singapore in and out of Plurk 用户 工厂工人 | 我喜欢数字日记、时装设计和园艺 |来自新加坡 我的博客:Multi Language: +cn +en +hi +my Add Me #Friendly
10 hours ago 2
Clothes for today : Light Pink blouse with dark pink lines vertically. Black pants and sandals.

This top makes me look taller.
10 hours ago 1
周五早上好! 🌞🌞 愿您新的一天充满欢乐和乐观。以灿烂的微笑开始新的一天,享受每一刻,将每一个挑战转化为机遇。周五是一周工作的完美结束!祝您成功并度过真正快乐的一天!
Good Friday morning! 🌞🌞 May your new day be filled with joy & optimism. Start your day with a bright smile, enjoy every moment, and turn every challenge into an opportunity. Friday is the perfect end 2 the work wk! Wishing you success and a truly happy day!
Yesterday 1
(app-snail) Good morning to you all🌄
May your day be filled with hope, happiness.
Happy Thursday ❤️
2 days ago 1
Good morning, dearies! 🌞 Hope you all slept well! listened to a spooky podcast last night & couldn't close my eyes! Hope I don't fall asleep in office.
Clothes for today: -- White top with black polka dots, black pants and black heeled shoes

Cloudy weather today in Singapore. Sending calm, peaceful vibes your way 4 a wonderful Wednesday!
2 days ago 1
🤯strong winds for 3 mins, throwing all my laundry on the floor before it began raining. wow. never felt such phenomenon in Singapore
2 days ago 1
It's been a perfect Tuesday! ✨ Time for some restful yawns and a cozy evening. What are you doing to unwind, dearies? 😴 #TuesdayNight #RelaxTime
今天真是个完美星期二! ✨ 是时候放松一下,享受舒适的夜晚了。 亲爱的,你打算如何放松身心呢? 😴 #星期二晚上 #放松时间 #猫的生活
3 days ago 2
(app-touch) Good morning, dearies! It's a terrific Tuesday! Let's make it a magical day filled with perfect moments! #TuesdayThoughts #GoodVibes
4 days ago 3
Good morning, dearies! Happy Monday! I hope you have a pleasant week ahead, filled with sunshine and joy! 😸☀️ #MondayMotivation #PositiveVibes


صباح الخير يا عزيزي! يوم الاثنين سعيد! أتمنى لك أسبوعًا رائعًا مليئًا بأشعة الشمس والفرح!

Clothes for today: -- Orangish yellow top and maroon skirt
5 days ago 2
(app-hello) Good morning, wish you all a peaceful Sunday. Just woke up at 12 noon. It's raining heavily here in Singapore, good weather to sleep but the messy room, full laundry basket, the broom at the corner of the kitchen, idly batter in my fridge and reminders to water my plants is forcing me to step out of bed. Wasted away my Saturday relaxing. hahah
6 days ago 2
Good morning dearies! It's a lovely day to curl up and listen to the rain, don't you think? Are you enjoying your Saturday so far? I believe for some of you, Saturday haven't even started yet. ☔️😌