How to prep for all that running around at TCEA? Workouts? 5 K walks? Nope...pomegranate pedicure, baby! Ahhh!
#VTC blanket information on the web not just delete it - add newer and more relevant content to keep the good in the forefront
#VTC great, thought provoking presentation from Steve Dembo...a bit frightening for our kids, but VALID!
#VTC what's strange 4 kids is coming 2 a website that isn't interactive just there 4 reading -they want to publish, comment, make their mark
#VTC would you post your students' profile page on your projector in class - what would the kid say? If no - why not?
#VTC kids have a twisted idea of privacy and feel that only their INTENDED audience is viewing...but it's the whole world!
#VTC great examples of people who have lost jobs, etc. due to their digital dossiers! Be careful what you post! The wayback machin
Kids are not necessarily conscientious about what they're leaving online in their digital dossiers
New mission in education - all students will contribute (to the class, school, district, community, world!!)
The most difficult part of learning new things is unlearning what I already know. #txascd #novemberlearning