3Friends 1Fans
male Dayton, OH, United States
I rp Kimblee @ A_Fac
[A_Fac] Sorry everyone, I'm Dropping Kimblee. (I doubt this come as any kind of suprise)
Computer tech problem: "Ribbon cables everywhere!!! It's DISGUSTING!!!"
hmmm... trig homework, or mass effect 3... well there goes my grade.
Wow Mass Effect 3 is indeed pretty damn awesome...
Dammit trig... I'm not ready for your verifying identities test...
I made a score point! I managed to get Mechwarrior 2 to work flawlessly on my Windows 7 desktop supercomputer! WOOT!
[A_Fac] Kimblee = 251Because I'm lazy and don't wanna think overly hard about mean thigns to do to Kimblee...
SLow arse LJ and it's slowness not letting me do things...
[A_Fac] for canon swap week, can i make kimblee spiderman?
[A_Fac Question!] Should i post my hiatus in the LJ ooc comm, or the DW ooc comm?