16Friends 7Fans
female Moscow, Russian Federation
I swear the sleepy I'm very god. now. I can shit type.
aMAEzing says
15 years ago 2
aMAEzing says
15 years ago 5
screw LJ. Stay away from me you SOB!
aMAEzing wonders
15 years ago 7
do the twins tell each other they lub and mish each other every time they talk on skype?
aMAEzing shares
15 years ago 6
aMAEzing shares
15 years ago 5
aMAEzing shares
15 years ago 3
aMAEzing says
15 years ago 1
it was a non-medical great House episode. :3
aMAEzing shares
15 years ago
aMAEzing shares
15 years ago 8
aMAEzing says
15 years ago 6
and apparently you can point at someone's comment and a right side bubble pops out, you can then click reply.