9Friends 10Fans
male Wolverhampton, Great Britain (UK)
IT Technician, Web Hosting Provider & Web Designer.
Messa is
16 years ago
Going to bed... night :-)
Messa has
16 years ago 1
noticed when you invite friends there is a spelling mistake 'succefully'
Messa asks
16 years ago 13
how many people own an apple product :-)
Messa asks
16 years ago 4
how many of you use DIGG or watch diggnation?
Messa asks
16 years ago 1
if you think experts exchange should be free and if anyone has paid to use it, is it any good?
Messa says
16 years ago
It's My Birthday on Wednesday Wish me Happy B-Day :-D
Messa thinks
16 years ago 3
Big Brother is Rubbish
Messa wants
16 years ago 1
to say hello to boldfire. :-D