15Friends 6Fans
female Padang, Indonesia
Why compare yourself with others?
No one in entire world can do a better job of being you than you...
Mhiemui thinks
13 years ago
I never should have let you go.. .. :-(
Mhiemui thinks
13 years ago
iF I die Young. . .
Mhiemui says
13 years ago
Smua pada sibuk mikirin lebaran...
Kapan ajja ttp sama....
Maap lahir batin smua...
Mhiemui hopes
13 years ago
june,, 12th... be a better year for me... :-))
Mhiemui feels
13 years ago
tonight is a good night..
Mhiemui hopes
13 years ago
it's gonna be alright.. :-))
Mhiemui benci
13 years ago
today... today.. today... is Bored.......
Mhiemui is
13 years ago
insomnia forever :-(
Mhiemui is
13 years ago
new new new new....