19Friends 24Fans
female Central Jakarta, Indonesia
MiLey33 sedang
9 years ago
If you’re reading this, you’re amazing and beautiful. You need something to make you smile once in awhile.
MiLey33 sedang
9 years ago
When the teacher says “group”, I automatically look at my best friends.
MiLey33 sedang
9 years ago
If a girl can put up with you through your worst day, and still stick with you and your mistakes, then you shouldn’t let her go.
MiLey33 sedang
9 years ago
They tell you to be yourself, then they judge you.
MiLey33 sedang
9 years ago
Job 38:4 "Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding." - Happy Sunday everyone :-) Jesus Christ blesses us!
MiLey33 sedang
9 years ago
To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die.
MiLey33 sedang
9 years ago
I used to think that movies with the character turning from a child to an adult actually waited for the actor to age.
MiLey33 sedang
9 years ago
I hate it when my phone decides to randomly jump out of my hand and attack the floor.
MiLey33 sedang
9 years ago
That amazing moment when you got a question wrong on a test but your teacher accidentally marked it correct.
MiLey33 sedang
9 years ago
I hate people that take ten years to text back.