76Friends 26Fans
female Manila, Philippines
> A book lover, a chocolate lover and A free-spirited girl...
->애서가, 초콜렛 애인 및 A 자유로운 spirited 여아…

>I like to have friends here, to share the gift and fun of life
-->나는 친구를 갖고는 것을, 생활의 선물 그리고 재미를 공유하고 여기에서 싶다

> add me up on frie
Mimuru says
15 years ago 1
gudmorning everybody
Mimuru says
15 years ago
I'm back here on plurk... so how's everybody doin?
15 years ago
have just finished playing oversoul online... Time to sleep guys.. Gudnytie...
Mimuru says
15 years ago
I tried playing Oversoul and its great ahahah... Well guys Goodnightie... Mwahz
Mimuru says
15 years ago 4
goodmorning everybody.... its a cloudy morning isnt it?
Mimuru says
15 years ago
uhmmm I want to try this Online game i think it is a wonderful breakthrough Oversoul PH
Mimuru is
15 years ago
watching Ghost whisperer... It really rocks... I love it
Mimuru wonders
15 years ago
where can she buy the complete gossipGirl Book series..
Mimuru is
15 years ago 4
Drinking hot Chocolate nesvita cereal drink...It's freakin cold out here
Mimuru says
15 years ago 1
Good Morning everyone