laughing it up while grading first grade writing assessments. Oh, the perspectives they have!
how people make plurking a routine? I need to be more consistent.
if the Internet safety presentation is at 7:00 or 7:30 Monday night?
ready to learn more about Google apps and iWork Pages.
great after his KSDE/AR conference in Salina. Feels good to come back with practical suggestions and a refreshed focus.
brainstorming ways to help kids that struggle with algebraic reasoning like finding the missing addend.
impressed with the fifth and sixth graders and their performance at our musical this morning.
not very psyched about traveling to Emporia tonight for his class.
nifty ways of teaching 50 states and capitals. Have a friend's fourth grader that is really struggling.
losing his voice from cheering too hard last night for the Cardinals. Not pleased with the ending, but what a game!