Mon Tissu
201Friends 197Fans
female Portland, OR, United States
Mon Tissu is a Second Life based clothing, shoes and accessories shop specializing in high quality vintage styles with a modern kick for both men and women.
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5 years ago
Mon Tissu shares
5 years ago 5
Dusting off our Plurk account to share that we are SO SORRY for being late to FaMESHed, but will be all set up shortly!!! PARDON OUR OUT-OF-SORTS-NESS! <3
Mon Tissu shares
9 years ago 22
Hello all, It is with a sad heart that we announce the closing of Mon Tissu and the Mayfair sim.
Mon Tissu shares
10 years ago 4
New release at Mon Tissu!!! 2 brand new mesh denim styles, adorable mesh blouses and suede ankle boots! ANDD 2 new soiree gifts!
Mon Tissu shares
11 years ago 6
Hi all! We have new items out at Mon Tissu. The Workwear Wristlet and Prudence Collar.
Mon Tissu shares
11 years ago 2
Hey all! Just a repost for those who may not have seen it, but we released some goodies at Mon Tissu!
Mon Tissu shares
11 years ago 3
Hi everyone! We have a new collection out: Leisurely
Mon Tissu shares
11 years ago 5 Spring Made Collection - Dresses, Collared Shirts + Shorts! All rigged mesh! We hope you like!!