20Friends 16Fans
male Mechanicsville, VA, United States
I am a sixth grade Lang Arts teacher and football coach. I love technology and trying to keep up with it.I am a new blogger
MrG says
15 years ago 1
I had a great day of hiking. I have the blisters to prove it:-)
MrG wonders
15 years ago 4
why school administrators support policies they know don't make sense??
MrG says
15 years ago
just ate way too much pizza! Why do I do this to myself??
MrG says
15 years ago 6
I am plurking from a middle school in WVA!!
MrG says
15 years ago 2
check out this cool comic site for students)
MrG wonders
15 years ago 1
how many parents know how late their children are staying up?
MrG wonders
15 years ago 5
what people look for when voting for teacher/employee of the year?
MrG wonders
15 years ago 2
why we (educators) talk about change so much but change is so slow to come?
MrG wonders
16 years ago 4
how many of you can get on Plurk at work??
MrG wonders
16 years ago 3
Why Nintendo spends more money on research in a year than our Gov't spends on educational research in several years combined? How telling.