38Friends 29Fans
female Cebu, Philippines
Don't believe what the people say about me. They have no clue who i am. I am and always have been ME; and guess what? That is something you can NEVER be.
NeyZZ says
13 years ago
Aw ambot ani. :-)
NeyZZ says
13 years ago
im back to plurk for now. Hahha
NeyZZ says
13 years ago 28
WHAT THE! my karma has gone down -0.05 (panic)
NeyZZ says
13 years ago 9
Be patient and let karma do it's thing (hassle)
NeyZZ says
13 years ago 1
hmmm.. time will tell :-) I've stopped believing in words :-)
NeyZZ says
13 years ago 1
my friends and foes call me "SPECIAL" but I call myself "LIMITED EDITION"
NeyZZ is
13 years ago
bored out of her mind! Know anything I can do? (write it below)
NeyZZ says
13 years ago
IM bored of being bored! :-) Oh la la!
NeyZZ says
13 years ago 3
People call me weird, because they wont admit how AWESOME I am (yahoo)
13 years ago
I'm bored of being bored cuz being bored is boring