1Friends 3Fans
female Edmonton, AB, Canada
"Be careful whose toes you step on today because they might be connected to the foot that kicks your ass tomorrow."
--- xD
15 years ago
NinaMJ shares
15 years ago
Smile, You - Love This has motivated me to date a dork. hehe he's so cuuuuuute!!!
NinaMJ is
15 years ago 6
drowning in kisses!!! (K) :-P
NinaMJ has
15 years ago 2
a crush on a friend of a friend of mine! heeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! hahah seriously! he has the cutest smile!! :-P
NinaMJ is
15 years ago 3
contemplating whether or not to sleep on the floor tonight. :-&
NinaMJ is
15 years ago 2
LA LA LA LA!! bombombom bom.
15 years ago 2
I don't know how i feel... indifferent, I guess. It really IS true, that time heals all wounds. Best of luck, goodbye old friend.
NinaMJ hates
15 years ago
trying to write a paper on an empty stomache. It's driving me insane. But I really must finish this in 3 hours... what to do, what to do??
15 years ago 3
just got home.  Tired and still not done.  It's gonna be a long night again...
NinaMJ says
15 years ago 5
o_O I don't see meteors. What a rip! Leonid Meteor Shower fail... ¬_¬ (annoyed)