6Friends 6Fans
male Nashville, TN, United States
OmniDragon says
13 years ago
And I'll probably KEEP posting it. All over the web. Until I finally get a real answer. ping.fm/k06gB
OmniDragon says
13 years ago
OmniDragon says
13 years ago
Well, I think if Sprint DID offer unlimited data plans with the iPhone 5, it would be a bait n switch. ping.fm/gOb7n
OmniDragon says
13 years ago
tcrn.ch/p55Vpv We be movin on up...to the...west side.
OmniDragon says
13 years ago
"Facebook brings sharing, privacy settings closer to those of Google+" bit.ly/pso65Z Competition IS a good thing.
OmniDragon says
13 years ago
Go To Sleep!! ping.fm/N7Tl2
OmniDragon says
13 years ago
"Facebook finally giving users more privacy control" cnet.co/nPMP50 You mean after they exposed everyone's cellphone numbers? lol
OmniDragon says
13 years ago
"Ask Ars: How can I securely erase the data from my SSD drive?" ping.fm/k7FRI
OmniDragon says
13 years ago
"Defining Internet "freedom": Ars interviews Senator Al Franken" ping.fm/Jnmb2
OmniDragon says
14 years ago
Well, I signed the petition. As did millions of other people ping.fm/hzHXO Only took like 5 seconds