Onyx Pu-239
135Friends 53Fans
male Caledon Oxbridge Village, Second life
Feline Gentle-demon at Large, Keeper Of Obscure Knowledge, Designated Official Noetic Theorist, Professional Artificer of Noospheric Interface Constructs, Sometime Writer, Storyteller, Guru
Onyx Pu-239
1 months ago
does anyone else love cold fried chicken leftovers from the night before?
Onyx Pu-239
3 months ago 4
A question for all you managers out there.

What do you actually do all day?
Onyx Pu-239
3 months ago 2
so, it turns out the 4070 is a little too much for my power supply.
Onyx Pu-239
3 months ago 2
Wish me luck, folks. I'm about to install a new video card in my gaming rig.
Onyx Pu-239
4 months ago 8 @Edit 4 months ago
[poop talk] I hope you all had better Mother's Day weekend than I did. I spent mine recouping from a stay in the hospital.
Onyx Pu-239
5 months ago 1
Drove for 3 hrs to get into the full occlusion zone. can already see a difference in the quality of the light. About 20mins to totality.
Onyx Pu-239
6 months ago
Happy Spring Equinox Day, folks.
Onyx Pu-239
7 months ago 6
Results of our Valentine's date night https://images.plurk.com/2zn3mz847qTLda2ARv3JGv.jpg
Onyx Pu-239
9 months ago 3
I feel a deep blue funk coming on and really just want to wallow in it for a while.
Onyx Pu-239
9 months ago 2
well, crud. I've lost one of my hearing aides. :'-(