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female Chandler, AZ, United States
Melissa Jenkins-Simon is Founder and CEO of CI, Inc. (Creative Innovations). CI, Inc. is a social service agency that has been providing services since 1997. CI, Inc. counsels and provides educational services to children and families and operates sh
OutreachToday says
12 years ago
Against All Odds: Strength and Courage Re-DEFINED! Outreach Today Radio 10am Pacific. ow.ly/9EjyC
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12 years ago
Outreach Today expert advice on Depression. You don't have to feel down in the dumps all the time! ow.ly/95mHN
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12 years ago
In a life rut??? It's time to get out of it. How to live smarter not harder today on Outreach Today! ow.ly/8Oh5h
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YOUR Marriage: Tips to help you get through it "ALL" and grow and thrive with your mate...today on Outreach Today !! ow.ly/8FNXi
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In the Bull's-eye!! The Battle Against Bullying today on Outreach Today! ow.ly/8xHTH
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12 years ago
Coming up today on Outreach Today 10am pacific ow.ly/8hugp
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13 years ago
You can survive the Holidays - how to take the stress out of the busiest time of the year.
OutreachToday says
13 years ago
Married, Single, Fed Up? New Rules for Love, Sex and Dating today on Outreach Today w/ Melissa Jenkins-Simon. ow.ly/7vD55
OutreachToday says
13 years ago
Feeling Frazzled???? Super Simple “Stress Relief” tips for the LADIES! On this weeks Outreach Today! ow.ly/6J1vK