Keypressed = F
59Friends 43Fans
male Sto. Tomas, Philippines
Keypressed = F says
10 years ago
still can't access plurk on the school network, only at home or on mobile
Keypressed = F shares
10 years ago
Christopher Walken's speaking style goes back to childhood, when he changed punctuation in his textbooks to be where he wanted the periods, commas, and exclamation points to be. www.celebratingchristoph...
Keypressed = F shares
10 years ago
NASA is well on its way to developing a reactionless propulsion system for spacecraft.
Keypressed = F shares
10 years ago
yesterday's status btw was from jan 17. text box hiccup due to attempt to post from multiple browsers on multiple devices
Keypressed = F shares
10 years ago
festive/colorful pre-hot spring purchases at SM Calamba
Keypressed = F shares
10 years ago
Non-standard Chinese New Year of the Horse my family received.
Keypressed = F shares
10 years ago
Laguna Hot Spring Groundhog Day. From social media complaints seems Phil didn't see his shadow. #WinterIsGone
Keypressed = F says
10 years ago
early to bed just reading still frustrated under the surface
Keypressed = F says
10 years ago
karma down from 124.44 to 124.21 :-(