Happy birthday Dad !! Wish all the best things in yourself, become a good leader in my family,, support for the success and prosperity life!
*Third day to celebrating Eid !! Open house !! all the neighbors and relatives came to my house,,my house explode !!
भारतीय फिल्में हमेशा मुझे रुलाना : Hindi's Movie always make me cry !! two thumbs for 3 idiots !!!
Crying Session !! udh bukan banjir air mata, tapi udh tsunami !! I like this part ,, *yang lain nangis, gue cengengesan
Berikut menu makanan lebaran dalam bahasa mandarin : 南瓜蔬菜,鸡肉蔬菜,马来粽,叁峇炒土豆,芯片 !!
woy, santai woy,, istighfar !! ketupat masih banyak di belakang !!
waiting for Takbiran Night !! غدا هو اليوم الأخير في الصيام ، وأنا لا يمكن أن تنتظر صوت طبل !!!
cold inside, cold outside !! waiting for break fasting !!
rainy all the day,like this things, but it makes me to stay in the bedroom to sleep while listening to music, waiting for the break-fasting!
nama-nama menu makanan lebaran dalam bahasa mandarin : 叁峇炒土豆,蔬菜,南瓜,鸡肉蔬菜