9Friends 4Fans
male Brisbane, Australia
PiscesEdward 正在
14 years ago
Engenius outdoor AP are really good solution to connect with 2 building!
PiscesEdward 正在
14 years ago
customer finally settle the overdue $$~ whats next? longer term!
PiscesEdward 正在
15 years ago
PiscesEdward 正在
15 years ago
is the dust storm still here ?
PiscesEdward 正在
15 years ago
long time no Plu~ 澳洲的沙塵暴
PiscesEdward 正在
15 years ago
前幾天30多度 這兩天又降到10多度~ QLD天氣落差太大ㄌ吧!!!
PiscesEdward 正在
15 years ago
PiscesEdward 正在
15 years ago
ok , thats it~ go to bed now 99
PiscesEdward 正在
15 years ago
長期這樣晚睡~不知啥時會爆肝 :-&