Poenald Palen
0Friends 0Fans
United States
SL Avatar. Vehicles are what I make, script and play with to pass my SL time. I haven't been very active but recently I will be able to make some more vehicles and will be more active in SL.

Please don't be offended if I refuse friend adds. I'm a
Poenald Palen
9 years ago
Sad to hear about the snapshot feature maybe being removed from the Linux viewer. It seemed convenient, oh well.
Poenald Palen
9 years ago
3D scanning, well 3D model from many photographs (just walk around, no special gear!) with some nifty software. Future of 3D assets? Well, here is a intro and link to tutorial: Creating Next-gen Assets from Scanned Data
Poenald Palen
9 years ago
Spending time at near the Blake Sea, I should do water craft more the lag is less on the open ocean. There's a Map. Cool!: Blake Sea - Second Life Wiki
Poenald Palen
9 years ago
Quaternion numbers are known as "hypercomplex numbers." Anyone struggling with these things? Just remember what math nerds call them. I am not a math nerd, so I call them bad words.
Poenald Palen wonders
9 years ago
time it will take to mess with HDD file system folder named "To Sort" and then I realise I have many more folders that should be titled such. :-o Oh no! So, onto other things today.
Poenald Palen
9 years ago
I never did find blender materials for baking for SL objects, before shadow effects popularity. But, I notice appliers for boobs lol. I should have started one, nipples being the first material!
Poenald Palen thinks
9 years ago
Recording some thoughts, sights and links here may be worth a try.