Le Chat Noir
10Friends 2Fans
female Hong Kong
Student/Fangirl/Self-proclaimed Artist//
MARVEL/007/LOTR/The Hobbit/Inception/Star Trek//
Sherlock/Supernatural/Teen Wolf//
Kuroko no Basuke/Bleach//
Le Chat Noir
9 years ago 1
back from USA
Le Chat Noir shares
9 years ago
Le Chat Noir
10 years ago
is leaving HK in late December to study in the US.
Le Chat Noir
10 years ago 12
Le Chat Noir
10 years ago 1
[繪茶]心情大好,而且完全不想工作所以要不玩玩繪茶? Le Chat - タカミンお絵描きチャット
Le Chat Noir
10 years ago 3
Finally, my grades are all out.
Le Chat Noir
10 years ago 3
so it turns out I haven't posted anything since January... Mostly because I haven't had time to draw nor write. I still don't. Sigh.
Le Chat Noir
10 years ago
Le Chat Noir
10 years ago
also, my eyes are burning...