16Friends 8Fans
Hi.I am in reality a 80 yr old perv.But on the net,I am a very charming 17yr old boy.I have bushy eyebrows,hairy chest and almost everythin about me is full of hair.I am indeed the descendent of an ape.My real name is Grog.R u scared shitless now?
forgot that he owns an msn account.
seeing pictures of shushi.wth.
ah.found it.
owh.i get it now. :-)
"wow.she's gorgeous."
missing his classmates alot.and especially that one.
ⓡⓐⓦⓡ-ⓩⓐⓐⓠ will
15 years ago
ask mama to buy shushi l8er.heheh. (LOL)
ⓡⓐⓦⓡ-ⓩⓐⓐⓠ loves
15 years ago
shushi all of a sudden.
hungry.and craving for shushi.
just woke up.blur2.