Hola Belle Rei
8Friends 6Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
me ama, amo a mi perro.
Hola Belle Rei 討厭
13 years ago 1
臉又開始癢癢的~上次的藥寫著不適合長期用於臉部~所以現在是又要回診換藥當白老鼠嗎?=.= :'-(
Hola Belle Rei 覺得
13 years ago
Hola Belle Rei 打算
13 years ago 1
賣 Asus Eee PC 1005HA 黑色 10吋小筆電 一台 (意者請訊息洽談)
Hola Belle Rei
13 years ago
It rains cats and dogs or elephants and whales ?!?! Sounds both are...
Hola Belle Rei 覺得
13 years ago
Hola Belle Rei
13 years ago
Hola Belle Rei
13 years ago
種花用的土是要自己當砂石大盜好呢? 還是付錢叫別人幫我準備好呢?
Hola Belle Rei
13 years ago
哈密瓜真是好吃~水分多又甜到爆表 >O<
Hola Belle Rei 曾經
13 years ago