we are AGAIN getting battered by high winds and rain in Northern California. At least 4 massive trees have come down within a block of me in the past few weeks. I'm sure more will today.
my neighbors started lobbing something larger than firecrackers into the street around 9 pm, and continued til past 1. I don't know the proper lingo. Cherry bombs? M-80s? That was what we used to call the things that sound like a good sized explosion and rattle your windows. I hate these people.
I'm having so much FOMO about the Lelutka Holiday Special. I joined a bunch of groups but I know I'm going to miss some that are usually pay to join. What are the must joins?
I haven't been able to rez much in SL for a long time. My PC/GPU doesn't seem overworked, the fans mostly stay off and usage is ok. The stuff just never materializes and I stand in a mostly empty sim most of the time. Logging out and logging back in will pop in more things, but still not a complete store or venue. Can anyone explain?
my memory is so bad these days. It's been bad since I got sick and it's not bouncing back. I can't even remember who to add here. Or who I already tried to add and got rejected by