19Friends 21Fans
male Qatar

Rust-E is
15 years ago
gonna sleep soon... -_-
Rust-E has
15 years ago
a dental appointment...
15 years ago 2
doesn't usually like Saturdays, pfft....oh yeah Morning boys and girls
Rust-E says
15 years ago 2
Rust-E says
15 years ago
nyt-going to sleep early... (:
Rust-E hates
15 years ago 1
tuesdays(triple chem)(angry) w/ fkin shorrock (annoyed)
Rust-E says
15 years ago
(SIGH) Back from school (annoyed)
Rust-E says
15 years ago
(sigh) today was crap (annoyed)
Rust-E says
15 years ago
SHit...I'm off to school (annoyed)
Rust-E says
15 years ago
Well...i gotta sleep sometime ryt? Night Guyz (: