25Friends 14Fans
female Waldorf, MD, United States
Likes to encourage archaic and strange words like puissant and psychal. Subject to change.
11 months ago
...does anyone know anything involving computers, BIOS, and M2 SSDs? If not, ignore this but the past few months have been ARGGHHH regarding computer problems.
1 years ago 5
Still on vacation. Still still still. I got nothing else. Nothing!
2 years ago 4
Watching UY, counting down the days till 2023 is over, going to bed by 10pm, and looking for a lentil bread recipe. Come to think of it mimipal Do you know of a good lentil bvread recipe?
2 years ago 1
Staying away because of midterms. Also enjoying thisUrusei Yatsura - Official Teaser | AniTVand Nobunaga and other stuff
2 years ago 2
[COVID booster shot]Sorry for not responding to any of you today but between the weather, work, and a COVID booster with a flu shot, I am so tired
2 years ago 4
I have been off the Internet for two weeks while on vacation. Coming back to reality is a surreal experience when you check the inboxes of your e-mail. All two weeks worth. That needs to be virtually burnt
2 years ago
{Placeholder. Still alive}
2 years ago 2
[Guns and Drugs] mikel1 You might be interested in this.Biden Admin Defends Federal Ban on Gun Possession by...
2 years ago 3
[Web3 contagion but for books and fan-fics] How Crypto Is Evolving the Future of Books and Publi...