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SABxD says
15 years ago
SABxD is
15 years ago
gonna post l8r .
SABxD is
15 years ago
going to bathe now .
SABxD hopes
15 years ago
th guy tht has h1n1 in sg dosen't spread to my friends & family D: :-(
SABxD says
15 years ago
that her karma dropped D:
SABxD says
15 years ago
i hate youuuu ! to someone .
SABxD says
15 years ago
is not my fault . But maybe its my fault too . :-(
SABxD says
15 years ago
SABxD says
15 years ago
that she will change .
SABxD says
15 years ago
that she wished that we will go back class today,so she did,cos it was raining & she wiished that nvr give back maths paper,& tcher nvr give