35Friends 72Fans
female Columbia, SC, United States
I'm also from a games such as Second Life, and now The Sims 3.
Sallymander says
12 years ago
Sitting at vet waiting to hear about my cat Bill. He's got a urinary blockage, it's sediment and not a stone.
Sallymander says
12 years ago 8
wow, the governor of Mass. is quite the speaker!
Sallymander says
12 years ago
Got home from the grocery store just in time! Thunderstorm rolling in now.
Sallymander shares
12 years ago 5
P2 in hospital, pretty serious.
Sallymander says
12 years ago
Hiya plurk peoples!
Sallymander says
12 years ago
Magnificent Bastard show, on now! (In SL)
Sallymander says
12 years ago 5
Another new Magnificent Bastard Show, coming atcha tonight, 6-8pm, SLT. Come join the fun here:
Sallymander says
12 years ago 11
Sallyphobia is the fear of Neil Patrick Harris.
Sallymander says
12 years ago 1
Well, dunno how that unemployment hearing went. Luckily it's only for availability.
Sallymander says
12 years ago 4
Design your own fabric!