18Friends 18Fans
Salvia says
15 years ago
One day down, three to go .....
Salvia says
15 years ago
Salvia says
15 years ago
things I hate: notices of 15 minute sales or freebies, received in email the morning after. :-(
Salvia says
15 years ago
at least it's a 4 day week .....
15 years ago 2
signed on to pay rent this morning and got the nicest IM from someone who bought a couple of pieces in my shop and said she loved my stuff,
Salvia is
15 years ago 1
watching my Plurk karma go down and down ... :-o
Salvia was
15 years ago
hoping to sleep late this morning, but was woken up by jackhammers and power saws. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?
Salvia wonders
15 years ago 1
if there are any M&Ms in the snack box ....
Salvia needs
15 years ago