18Friends 18Fans
Salvia says
15 years ago 1
even thinking about regaining karma points is daunting.
Salvia says
15 years ago 5
can you actually go down to *ZERO* karma? Apparently I have. :-(
Salvia says
15 years ago 8
I know all I'm doing is complaining today, but with all the SL glitches, WHY oh WHY do group owners set it so gifts can't be redelivered???
Salvia says
15 years ago
Ack! I meant Wondrous Strange, not the French Farm, and it's GONE!!!!!!! :-( :-( :-(
Salvia says
15 years ago
I want to buy everything at French Farm.
Salvia shares
15 years ago 3
I am a cloud . . .
Salvia says
15 years ago 1
I'm doing a web project for the worst kind of client--she knows how to use Photoshop. :-(
Salvia hates
15 years ago
This: "This gift will stay here for 1 hour! So you better be quick!" :-(
Salvia says
15 years ago 2
things that I hate: limited time special offer only for the next two hours. Why do they DO that? Ugh.
Salvia says
15 years ago
yay for 3 day weekends!